Educator Grants
To date, Auburn Education Foundation has funded more than 142 creative educational projections in grades K-12 through our grants program. Through a competitive grants process, we award funding to educators who have creative ideas that will capture the attention and imagination of Auburn Enlarged City School District students.
Funding is awarded to projects that cannot be supported through the regular district budget and fall within at least one of the following six areas: Academics, Arts, Life Skills, Character Education, Physical Education & Wellness, and Technology.
We offer two grant cycles per academic year*:
FALL APPLICATION: Due by November 1
*if the 1st falls on a weekend, the application is due by the Monday following
To help make the application process easier, you can now apply online via our google form.
2023 – 2024 Grants
Casey Park Coffee Cart
1st Amendment 1st Vote Summit
AHS Women’s Studies Mural
Pyrography and New Technologies
Raising Butterflies
Journalism Project
Need a Break, Take a Break
Adaptable Approaches for Learning
Game Time
Fun & Games at Herman
Bulldog Café at Casey Park
Let’s Go! Fitness, Friendship & Fun
Versatiles Literacy Kit
Read to Self Wiggle Seats
Jarrett Krosoczka Evening Program Books
Sparking a Flame of Curiosity
Sensory Play in Kindergarten
Flexible Seating to Increase Student Engagement
Empowering Voices
Solar Eclipse
2022 – 2023 Grants
The Tassel is Worth the Hassle
Funding for this project was used to purchase flexible seating, sensory lighting, and calming activities to make a more welcoming space for students who need to practice mindfulness, relieve stress, and complete assignments. The goal is to provide a comfortable setting for students who need extra help/support to graduate.
CPR Anytime
The purchase of Adult/Child CPR and Infant CPR Anytime Mannequins allows the health department at Auburn Junior High School to teach CPR during health classes. Every student will receive training to perform hands-only CPR which will give each child the lifesaving knowledge/skill that can be used anytime and anyplace.
Sensory Toolkits for Inclusion Classrooms
Sensory activities were purchased to create sensory “toolkits” for inclusion teachers at Genesee Elementary School. The kits were filled with items offering different colors, textures, sounds, and smells. These types of activities help to calm students allowing them to become more mindful, better behaved, and able to focus on learning.
Auburn School District Golf Program
Golf mats simulating Par 3, Par 4, and Par 5 golf holes are used in Seward Elementary School physical education classes to expose students to golf. The curriculum includes/encourages teamwork, goal setting, honesty, and perseverance. This equipment can be shared with other physical education teachers desiring to teach this sport.
The Coffee Cart
The Auburn Junior High School Coffee Cart is manned by a group of students who are cognitively disabled, other health impaired, and/or autistic who may struggle to be actively engaged in the learning process. Every week, these students discuss, list needed ingredients and then make baked goods for the Friday Coffee Cart where staff can purchase coffee and baked goods. The students also deliver to staff unable to visit during times when The Cart is open for business. This endeavor provides hands-on learning experiences, with a focus on physical, cognitive, and emotional support to develop various skills and confidence through planning, preparing, and running the Coffee Cart. The grant funded a commercial brewing system, a mixer and curriculum materials.
Motorcycle Fabrication
Students taking Advanced Transportation in the technology department learned about the engineering, design, and fabrication techniques used in building motorcycles. Students developed higher-order thinking skills to build high-performance custom motorcycle frames and expressed their creativity in designing every aspect of their mini motorcycles. Learned skills help prepare those students attending technical colleges or starting positions in the industry.
Calming Area/Sensory Hallway
Casey Park Elementary School created calming areas within classrooms for students who needed a safe and effective place within the classroom setting to regain control, reflect on behaviors, and rejoin the class. The goal is to decrease disruptive behaviors and increase student engagement. The sensory hallway is a series of pathways that students follow using different types of movement (skipping, hopping, jumping, etc.) allowing students to burn off excessive energy.
Let’s Color Auburn’s History
In collaboration with Kevin Burke of Accredited Art, a local art company, a coloring book was created that featured many of the people and sites that have played important roles in Auburn’s history. Because fourth-grade students learn about local history, each student was given a book and then in conjunction with the Fourth Grade Passport Program, students were able to visit several of the sites mentioned in the book.
Games for AHS Library
The library at Auburn High School is a gathering place for students and is open throughout the school day. With the relaxation of Covid guidelines, the librarian introduced board games as an alternative to students interacting constantly with screens. Research shows that board games alleviate stress, reduce social anxiety, and improve interpersonal skills. A variety of board games including chess, Rummikub, Mancala, Backgammon, and Trivial Pursuit Decades, were purchased for student use in the library.
Root Coding Robots
Root Coding Robots, an instructional technology tool with a supportive curriculum that can be leveraged for coding, were purchased for each of the five elementary schools and the junior high school. These devices involve scaffolding computer programming that can be used by our youngest learners and progressively advances with grade levels. The implementation of coding also allows students to advance their skills in communication, collaboration, and team building.
2021-2022 GRANTS
My Beating Heart
This project incorporates wrist-based heart rate monitors into the already established Physical Education program at Auburn Junior High School. The monitors allow students to track their individual progress in physical health based on their personal data. Students learn the healthy benefits of physical activity.
Yoga Mats for Calming
Yoga mats were purchased for a first-grade classroom at Herman Avenue where yoga is practiced daily as a calming technique. Students learn self-regulating skills to use when they need to calm down due to frustration or anger. The mats are shared with other classrooms.
Sensory Solutions for an Inclusive World
Funding was provided to create student-centered access to sensory activities including an alternative break space to help those children having difficulty regulating environmental stimuli due to sensory system deficits. Use of these tools increases student self-regulation, decreases disruptive behavior and promotes a caring community of learners.
Math Puzzle Packs
Math puzzle packs provide students with a fun and effective way to develop computational fluency. Teachers at all grade levels in all the elementary buildings have access to worksheets that use puzzles as a more engaging way to learn and practice math facts. The puzzles are designed to challenge students at their own level and can be modified for those who need additional help.
Indoor/Outdoor Sensory Movement Pathways & Games
Movement pathways were created inside the buildings and outside on school grounds at Seward and Herman Avenue Elementary Schools. Large, permanent stickers were placed in specific hallways and students who needed a quick break from academics could follow the path of movement activities. The outside pathways are used during recess as another way to engage children in physical activity.
Piper Computer Kits
Students at Genesee Elementary School learned about computers by physically building a computer from start to finish. The project was designed to teach problem-solving skills and computer literacy, including knowledge of hardware and programming languages, along with collaboration and communication skills. These kits can be reused to increase student involvement.
$25,000 Signature Project Grant
Funding was provided to elementary schools and Auburn Junior High School to support the district’s Positive Behavioral Interventions Support (PBIS) program. This program is used nationally to help schools manage behavior and provide clear instruction of rules and procedures in schools. Students earn points/school currency when PBIS behaviors are demonstrated/seen and can then use accumulated points/currency to “purchase” prizes. To accomplish this, book vending machines were purchased for Owasco, Herman, Casey Park and Genesee (Seward already had one). Students earned currency and could then go to the machine and choose a book. This also increased an interest in reading. At the Junior High School, this grant funded the prizes for the program. Teachers handed out Maroon Bucks to students who followed the principles “Be Dedicated, Be Respectful and Be in Control”. Students use their Maroon Bucks to “purchase” prizes including skateboards, gift cards, art supplies and other gifts desired by this age group.
Special Grant Project
Auburn Education Foundation and Herman Avenue Elementary School have a friend in Jay Goldman, a 1974 Auburn High School graduate. Jay, and his friends, John Callahan and John Marshall, all of whom attended Herman Avenue School, supported Jay’s idea to make a monetary gift of $5500 to AEF designated solely for the benefit of students at Herman. The three friends asked that the money be for programs/equipment needed by the school that would support the greatest number of students, especially those with social and emotional needs now two full years into the COVID-19 pandemic.
2020 – 2021 Grants
Snow Shoes for Herman Ave Kindergarten Students
Twenty-five pairs of snowshoes were purchased for Herman Ave Elementary School to be used in gym classes. These snowshoes provide opportunities for outdoor exercise and additional learning opportunities for students. Outdoor activities are needed during these times when children are spending much time inside and will serve as a chance for children to recharge and refocus. These snowshoes can be used in other grade levels as the snowshoes fit a range of boot sizes.
AJHS Cloud Based Video Editing
Understanding the Weather – Using Models
Fatal Vision Opioid Program
Yoga and Mindfulness Reboot
$25,000 Grant to the Auburn Enlarged City School District - Personalized Learning Teacher Fellowship
2019-2020 Grants
Matilda the Musical, AJHS
The students involved in the production learn how to work together in a fast-paced, high-stakes situation where things need to be completed correctly in a designated, set time. The stage crew learns how to set each scene change so that the correct set pieces/drops/props/costumes are ready for the next scene. Each actor on stage is responsible for learning not only how to be an individual performer by memorizing their lines and their staging, but also how to support each other in the scene. They also learn how to improve upon their character by delving into the sub-context of what the character says and their physical mannerisms throughout the performance. Students learn to work cooperatively by relying on one another for strength in a large group, as well as small ensemble performance numbers. They are also learning to be confident public speakers and gain presentational skills in not only using their vocal articulation appropriately, but also skills in stage presence and physical mannerisms that translate to a variety of situations.
Drone Building Project, AJHS
Heat Transfer T-shirt Press and Supplies, AJHS
Student Mindfulness Using Yoga, Auburn High School
Research has shown that the implementation of yoga practices improve student resilience to stress, as well as show improvement in student concentration, self-awareness, behavioral and emotional maturity, and self-confidence (Hagen & Nayar, 2014). The goal of this project is to implement short weekly or bi-weekly yoga practices with the materials provided by the grant and in doing so, increase student achievement not only in AIS class, but with the hope that these positive behaviors will carry over into the rest of their school day.
Modeling Linear Motion, Auburn High School
The kits are designed to meet the needs of multiple learning styles through their clear representations of motion and tactile components. Students will be able to collect data samples easily as the materials come with built-in sensors that export the data to a spreadsheet program. This will make data analysis by students easier allowing the instructor more time to assess students’ understanding of the material. This project meets the district goals of using strategies that engage students by encouraging them to use higher order thinking skills, collaboration, and creativity. The project will also meet the New York State Science Learning Standards that require students to focus on modeling of scientific concepts.
I Spy Sensory Boxes & Sorting Bins, Owasco Elementary School
Library Podcast Studio, Auburn High School
Students will learn how to work collaboratively together to develop a space that they will maintain. Students will improve their public speaking skills and their ability to convey information in a well-thought/well-informed and responsible way.
Egg Timer Review Game, AJHS
Reading to Rise Above the Ordinary, AJHS
Author visit: Marcie Colleen, Genesee Elementary School
Casey Park Courtyard Renovation
March Book Series by John Lewis, AJHS
This grant will fund the purchase of a classroom set of March, a three-book series, which is engaging and historically accurate. After reading the books, students will create a 10-page graphic novel that details another incident in American history related to social justice.
Book Vending Machine Project, Seward Elementary School
Social Justice Speaker and Books, AJHS
A classroom set of “Refugees” by Alan Gratz will be purchased for student use. Students will then hear from a speaker, a refugee from Sudan who has recently been elected to the Syracuse Common Council. Students will actively engage in classroom discussions during the speaker’s visit. This project will help students develop a social-emotional understanding of the refugee crisis on a more personal level.
Escape Room, AJHS
Engineering Brightness, AHS
Operation Healthy Heart/Healthy Mind, AHS
2018-2019 Grants
Visiting Author Maker Faire, All Elementary Schools
Authors Miranda and Baptiste Paul, along with Cameroon farmer Tantoh Nforba, the subject of the Paul’s book, I Am Farmer, visited each elementary school and shared how Tantoh solved water problems and developed community gardens in his country. Auburn Education Foundation funded an evening event where parents, students, and community members could learn about the experiences of the authors, illustrator, and Farmer Tantoh. The event also featured a Maker Faire in which students in grades 3-6 shared environmentally focused projects. Students, individually or in groups, identified an environmental problem and developed a solution to this problem using the design process taught in the Innovation Lab located in each elementary building. The seed money for these Labs was also funded by Auburn Education Foundation. Chosen projects were displayed at the evening event, and the students discussed their projects with attendees.
Sound Recording Technologies, Auburn Jr. High
First Person View Drone Project, Auburn Jr. High
Project Invent
Essential Modular Circuits, Auburn High School
“Expanding Your Horizons” Girls STEM Conference, Auburn Jr. High
Asian Elephant Live Free Coloring Book, Herman Avenue Elementary School – 5th and 6th Grade
Advancing Literacy Skills with Karaoke, Genesee Elementary School
2017-2018 Grants
Breakout Boxes, Seward Elementary School
Beth Cuddy
Breakout kits are immersive learning games. Students work in small groups and are given a series of clues that they have to solve in order to “break in” to a locked box. The activity requires the use of skills such as cooperation, critical thinking, communication, and problem solving. Students are engaged, enthusiastic, and motivated while working to solve the puzzle. These boxes can be designed to be used with any curriculum at any grade level.
MakerSpace-Combining Coding, Fashion and Micro-computers, Auburn Jr. High
Through learning, understanding, and applying knowledge, students will apply concepts of STEAM to create electronic functioning textiles. Students will collaborate in teams to design and electronically coded functional textile that is operable by the wearer or user of the textile. Students will be able to explain and present the process to the community.
“The Most Beautiful Roof in The World”, Seward Elementary School
The students of Mr. Losani and Mr. Vail’s fifth grade classroom at Seward received an Auburn Education Foundation grant for the purchase of a classroom set of the book, “The Most Beautiful Roof in the World.” The book is a vivid encounter of a famous conservationist, Meg Lowman, and her escapades into the canopy of the rainforests of Central and South America. Students will conduct several projects while completing a unit on the rainforest using this book as a guide.
Math Board Game Library, All elementary schools
Stephan Kowalski
A series of math games will be housed in the library of each elementary school. Teachers will be able to sign out the games for use in small group instruction. The games enhance the existing curriculum and engage students in fun and relevant learning activities.
Breakout!, Auburn Jr. High
Eight complete kits will be housed in the Auburn Junior High School Library for school-wide use. The kits are an innovative way for students to demonstrate their learning. Students do not sit in seats, read from a book, look at a screen or listen to a teacher. Instead, students talk to one another about information from the book and think about how this information applies to the clue they are reading.
Breakout the Learning: Thinking Outside the Box, AHS
Five breakout kits that encourage student engagement and learning through collaborative problem solving will be housed in the high school library for teacher use. These boxes allow students to use inquiry, technology, and collaboration to work through the clues and solve problems to demonstrate their understanding of a topic. These boxes are cross-curricular and can be used in any subject area.
iPod's for Reluctant Readers, Auburn Jr. High
NGSS Phenomena-based 7th Grade Audubon Trip, Auburn Jr. High
All 7th grade students will take a trip to the Montezuma Audubon Center in Savannah, NY. This grant pays for the cost of admission. The new state and national science standards (NGSS) focus on phenomena-based learning. Students will use this opportunity to investigate the phenomena of invasive species and their impact on biodiversity. Students will be able to experience first-hand how local ecosystems are impacted. All activities are designed to increase student understanding and awareness of this phenomenon.
Challenging Students to Break-Out, Auburn High School
Chemistry students will actually construct six breakout boxes that will then be used by chemistry classes at the high school. The boxes are based around a series of puzzles that students have to solve in order to solve the problem. They are tailored for the subject so that students have to use content knowledge to determine the answer. To encourage the group’s success, each breakout box will contain a key to a larger chest that can only be opened once every group has completed all aspects of the activity.
Fitness to the Beat of a Different Drum, Auburn Jr. High
This grant will focus on how music and rhythm can be related to fitness. The drums needed for this project were purchased by Auburn Education Foundation in a previous grant cycle. Several state and national Physical Education conferences have featured the incorporation of drumming into a fitness program to improve fitness, rhythm, and behavior. The music and physical education teachers will work together to implement POUND and Drums Alive, two types of drumming-for-fitness programs.
Sustainability Workshops – All 5th Grade Students, All elementary schools
2017-18 Special Project, Genesee Elementary School
Playground & Interactive Play Space, Preschool program at Auburn High School
High school students collaborated with engineers, architects, and builders. These students had the opportunity to take on leadership roles, mentor other students, and work with one another.
2016-2017 Grants
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Auburn A to Z, Genesee Elementary
Marie Jesinski, Anne Mlod, Cinda Gilmore
All district fourth graders in the Auburn School District participate in the Passport to History program. Because finding primary source material written at a fourth grade level to introduce the historical sites to students has been a challenge, the students in Mrs. Gilmore’s and Ms. Jasinski’s fourth grades, working with Mrs. Mlod, will write, illustrate and publish an alphabet book of Auburn. The book will be shared with all schools and used to provide background knowledge of Auburn’s cultural and historic sites. This project is part of a larger unit with the essential question, “How does caring about the place we live, appreciating historical and cultural environments, and appreciating the past and present help us to be better citizens?”
In March, author Alexandra Sly will be visiting the five Auburn Elementary Schools. Her books are about science topics and illustrated with photographs she has taken. She also offers InstaStem Video Conferences, which include an introduction to science photography and captions, photographic techniques, and a critique of student photography and captions. This funding, along with a $100 donation from each elementary school parent-teacher group, will cover the fees to have 7 students from each of the buildings and 7 students from a global partner school work intimately with Alexandra Sly. Each building will also have one entire grade level participate in writing science captions while receiving a personal critique from Alexandra. The funds will also pay to get student photography printed professionally.
STEM/NGSS: “Bone Tissue engineering: An Interactive Engineering Design Module”
This S.T.E.M. engineering design project focuses on creating engineered bone tissue to repair “actual” bone. Students will design a cranial mesh implant for a “patient” (Styrofoam mannequin head) suffering a traumatic skull injury. Students will be exposed to the overarching ideas that engineers apply science to real-world problems – in this case, a patient’s inability to heal completely on their own. Students will also gain an understanding of interrelated organ systems in the context of bone growth and healing as the design for blood flow and tissue function. Students will explore and test how their designs address potential solutions.
World Music Drumming and Dancing, Auburn Jr. High
This grant will fund World Music Drumming Curriculum and the instruments to accompany it.
This program will bring cultural awareness to middle school students. Ms. Edlind has ten years of experience working with this curriculum, its creator, and master teachers and drummers from around the world. Educators and administrators have reported better, more educationally integrated classes, improved attendance, and fewer discipline problems when students are involved with this program. Students learn to communicate better with fellow students and also how to lead, understand and demonstrate the techniques of cooperative teamwork. Students also will gain a better understanding and place greater value on the peoples and musical cultures of Africa and the Caribbean.
Yoga in the Classroom, Auburn Jr. High
Anti-bullying, health, and wellness and character education are common themes in American schools today, focusing on educating the whole child, mind, body, and spirit. Yoga, by nature, supports this learning. Research shows that yoga leads to academic achievement, positive behavior, and physical and mental well-being of students. This grant will allow for the purchase of mats, blocks and straps, flameless candles, room darkening shades, lavender-scented oil, and cleaner for the mats. The instructor will implement Meditation Mondays in her Health and Physical education classes a few times per semester and in an after school PBL session using the same philosophy. This proposal is part of our district initiative to enhance student social and emotional developmental health.
Sawing into the Future, Auburn High School Technology
This is to fund the purchase of a Hudson Portable Sawmill to be used in woodworking, construction, and civil engineering classes. Students will brainstorm and design projects with lumber that they will have cut and then bring their designs to fruition. Math and science teachers will be invited to work with these classes to integrate the curriculum (milling dimensioning, species of trees, and uses). The instructor also plans to have students partner with those who could help with the design and creation of structures and furniture. Students would also be able to make items needed for display, seating, and storage at the high school. Overall, students would be gaining actual experience in a field involving technology.
Seward’s Edible Outdoor Classroom, Seward Elementary School
The edible outdoor classroom is a student-designed edible forest garden and outdoor learning space located on the grounds of Seward Elementary School. Initiated in 2015 by Meredith Torrisi’s fifth grade class, the project encompasses the design and implementation of an outdoor learning space where students at all grade levels can connect lessons in science, math, ELA, health, and nutrition to hands-on experiences in nature. AEF awarded a grant for this project for Phase I startup. This present grant is for Phase II, which includes the building of an outdoor structure (pergola style) and establishing tree stump seating, raised beds, a pollinator garden, and compost bins.
Bottle and Can Recycling, All buildings
This project will place containers to collect recyclable materials in classrooms and common areas, initially at AHS followed by the other school buildings. By collaborating with a variety of student groups, faculty, administration, and maintenance, this student driven project will help to address the recycling issue and provide all individuals in our schools the opportunity to help create a greener and more sustainable school.
Lorraine Barry Memorial Art Award
This award was created in 2011 by Mrs. Barry’s family. Lorraine Barry was a wife and the mother of six children. Mrs. Barry was an accomplished artist. Her works include oil paintings, watercolors, acrylics, and sketches. A sampling of her art has been published in a book titled The Art of Lorraine Barry.
2015-2016 Grants
Seneca Lake Ecology Research Trip, Auburn High School
Kathleen Austin
Nearly 120 high school students explored and investigated lake ecology while aboard the Scandling research vessel on Seneca Lake. Students worked collaboratively, collecting biological, chemical, and physical data from the lake water and bottom sediments. The data was compiled and sent to Fingerlakes Institute to become part of the EPA project monitoring the health of the lake. Researcher Nadia Harvieux from the Institute of Hobart College assisted in leading student research.
National Archery Program, Auburn High School
The Physical Education Department updated and improved both the archery equipment and the curriculum. This included participation in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) which has been shown to improve school attendance and behavior. NASP is a cooperative effort between state conservation departments, school systems, and private organizations to engage students in outdoor activities. Archery is a non-discriminatory sport and can be taught through this program to almost any student of nearly any age or skill level.
Outdoor Classroom and Garden, Seward Elementary School
The courtyard at Seward Elementary School was turned into a regenerative edible garden. The garden classroom was opened to all students who attend Seward and was used to study science, nutrition, ecology, and environmental issues. The students were able to observe the life cycle of plants, the life cycle of the soil, and see how plants can have a symbiotic relationship with one another. Students prepared, planted, maintained, and cultivated the garden.
Matt McElligott Evening Program, All Elementary Schools
Matt McElligott, a popular children’s author and illustrator visited Auburn elementary schools the week of March 7, 2016. This grant added an evening program for students and their families during that week. The author did an interactive presentation on his newly released book — Mad Scientist Academy: The Dinosaur Disaster. The goal of an author visit is to encourage students to read and write.
To Kill a Mockingbird Performance at Syracuse Stage, Auburn High School
Several English classes at Auburn High School read and discussed the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. They then attended the performance at Syracuse Stage. Seeing this particular play was an effective way to teach academic content, to increase student tolerance by providing exposure to a broader, more diverse world, and to improve the ability of students to recognize what others are thinking and/or feeling.
Filipino Culture Night, Genesee Elementary
Mrs. Mlod, Genesee School Librarian, was selected as a Teachers for Global Classrooms Fellow. She travelled to the Philippines in June. Students at Genesee learned about the Philippines prior to her departure. At the Filipino Culture night, students and their families tasted Filipino food, played Filipino games, and made Filipino crafts.
Creating, Collaborating and Problem Solving with Legos!, Genesee Elementary
Two base plates and a Lego Robotic/WeDo resource kit for students have been purchased for the students at Genesee Elementary School. These component parts supplement kits already available to the students and allow more students to learn Scratch, a free coding program from MIT that allows students to develop their own interactive stories, games, and animation. Working with these legos in this capacity help students to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively, all essential skills for the 21st century.
To learn more about our scholarships and grants, please contact us today!
PO Box 592
Auburn, NY 13021
Email: AEF@aecsd.education